Modern airline retailing

future , transformation , innovation
of the airline industry


What is modern airline retailing?

Modern airline retailing is a customer-first focused approach to selling airline offers and products.  


It is an umbrella term for the entire life cycle of an offer—from the pre-sale, to point-of-sale, to when the funds are settled—that uses technology, dynamic pricing methods, and personalized services through the entire flight shopping experience. 


Why is the industry shifting to modern airline retailing?

Deliver personalized, in-demand experiences

Modern airline retailing enables airlines to offer travelers real-time, relevant, and personalized products, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Increase revenue opportunities

Personalized offers allow airlines to create higher-yielding products that meet customer needs while maximizing their revenue potential.

Reduce conversion costs

By streamlining the flight shopping process with more targeted offers, airlines can lower costs associated with customer acquisition and conversions.

The right timing for offers

Getting the right offer to the right customer at the right time ensures better engagement, higher conversion rates, and creates a win-win scenario for both travelers and airlines.

What is the offer and order life cycle in modern airline retailing?

Modern airline retailing also means thinking a bit differently about how airline products move from pre-sale to postsale. 

create offers woman-airport-looking-out-window-BW-Color

Creating the offer

Airlines construct personalized offers by bundling prices, products, and pictures tailored to consumer needs.  


With ATPCO’s data and solutions powering nearly 90% of offers worldwide, airlines can streamline workflows, dynamically assemble products, and deliver competitive, contextualized options that enhance the travel shopping experience. 

Distributing the offer

Airlines distribute offers through direct channels like their websites or APIs and through indirect channels such as travel agencies and third-party systems.  


ATPCO ensures seamless data flow across these channels, powering reliable and consistent distribution regardless of method, from more traditional systems to modern standards. 

distribute offers woman sitting at airport using computer
present offers man using computer looking at visual flight shopping

Presenting the offer

Airline offers are presented to consumers with engaging content like videos, cabin views, and maps to help them make informed choices.  


With ATPCO’s Routehappy content and standards, airlines can deliver consistent, visually rich, and customer-centric offers to online storefronts, elevating the shopping experience. 

Servicing and settling the order

Servicing an order ensures smooth handling of changes, whether due to passenger needs or airline disruptions, while settlement ensures accurate revenue distribution among suppliers.  


ATPCO automates these processes with data-driven solutions that streamline servicing, enable seamless policy application, and optimize financial accuracy. 

service & settle orders man-holiding credit card and looking at mobile boarding pass


Modern airline retailing series

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Offer and order - what it means for modern airline retailing

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