
What are airline industry standards and how do they affect us?

Learn all about airline industry standards and how they affect our day-to-day work. ATPCO’s David Smith goes in-depth!

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David Smith
18 August 2020

What are airline industry standards?

Why do we need standards? What does ATPCO have to do with making standards? How do standards affect me as an ATPCO customer?

Great questions! I’m so glad you asked. Find out in 2 minutes by watching this video.

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Intrigued and looking for more information about ATPCO’s standards process?
Read our Standard for Standards (PDF).

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David Smith

As Product Director, Airline Offer Distribution, David has 28 years of experience working in the airline industry in the travel distribution ecosystem. Within 10 years at a major European airline, and 18 years at ATPCO, he has experience in finance, business process re-engineering, program management, commercial negotiation, data distribution, and standards creation and management. He is also a board member of the US-based Society for Standards Professionals.

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