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Glossary for the airline industry

From A-Z, this glossary covers definitions and explanations for common airline industry terminology.


Rate of Exchange.

round-the-world fares

(Subcategory 103, International fares) Travel from the point of origin and return thereto which involves only one crossing of the Atlantic Ocean and only one crossing of the Pacific Ocean. Note that a single round-the-world fare component does not validate against Subcategories 102 or 103 (validation is only against Subcategory 104 to determine if End-on-End is required). See also combinations.


1. (Subcategory 102, US/CA fares) (data application) From point A to point B and return to point A on the same tariff, same carrier, same rule, and same round-trip fare class code. Note that if carriers wish to restrict the route of travel on the fares, then this can be done via the Routing Map and/or Category 4. See also combinations.

2. (Subcategory 102, International fares, excluding round-the-world fares) (data application) From point A to point B and return to point A using two fare components only, for which the applicable half-round-trip fare for each component, measured from point A, is the same for the routing traveled. Exception: If fares differ through class/season/day of week or carrier variation, it is still a round-trip. Note that after processing, if the results show a different HIP(Higher Intermediate Point) and/or a different mileage surcharge has been applied on fare component(s) in the pricing unit, then the above pricing solution would be considered a Circle Trip. See also combinations.

round-trip fare

1. (International) A fare identified as Tag 2 on the Fare Record or Category 25 Resulting Fare data.

2. (US/CA) A fare identified as Tag 2 on the Fare Record or Category 25 Resulting Fare data.

round-trip journey

1. When the journey is wholly domestic (all ticketed points on the journey are in the same country), a journey where the destination point of the journey is the same point as the origin point of the journey.

2. When the journey is international (at least two ticketed points are in different countries), a journey where the destination point of the journey is in the same country as the origin point of the journey.

Routehappy Content

Targeted information, messaging, and visual content that helps airlines differentiate fares, products, and services. There are three types of Routehappy Content: UPAs, UTAs, and Amenities.


Restrictions on a fare based on travel routes and defined by routing maps.


routing-based fare

A fare that is governed by a designated routing map or routing restriction (other than MPM).


A system containing both routing map and restriction data that supports the fares database.


Revenue passenger kilometers. An industry measure of traffic, calculated by multiplying the total number of revenue passengers by the distance of the flight.


Remote Rules Text Inquiry. RTEXT is a screen mirror image of loose-leaf text pages (rules only). This inquiry system provides the online ability to monitor the changes to rules text within the industry. Domestic and international tariff rules are displayed in tariff page format containing all filed/non-filed rules governing passenger air transportation and international cargo products. Multiple date versions are available in ATPCO's data products.


Round-the-world fares.


The necessary provisions and conditions under which traveling may occur that meet the special requirements set by a carrier or government regulatory agency. It is linked by fare class to fare record and includes the booking code and categories for a given fare. Carriers choose rule numbers according to their regulations. Rule numbers are an aid in autopricing. See also fare rule.