Glossary for the airline industry
From A-Z, this glossary covers definitions and explanations for common airline industry terminology.
List established when there are no more readily available spaces; names awaiting seat availability.
Any weakening or elimination of rules conditions as part of a private fare sale.
Airlines have agreements with third-party vendors to gather publicly available airline itinerary prices from various web sources including, OTAs, etc. These web fares are travel site– and travel date–specific and contain the information that is shown to the consumer. (ATPCO data is market (fares) and tariff (rules) based and covers the life of the fare (all travel dates)).
Airlines have agreements with third-party vendors to gather publicly available airline itinerary prices from various web sources including, OTAs, etc. These web fares are travel site– and travel date–specific and contain the information that is shown to the consumer. (ATPCO data is market (fares) and tariff (rules) based and covers the life of the fare (all travel dates)).