Airline distribution is changing
A scan of the travel trade headlines tells you everything.
- Dynamic Pricing is here!
- NDC: A Tipping Point?
- Here’s What’s Next in Airline Merchandising
- Blockchain to Power Loyalty in the Future
- How to Jump Start Your Innovation Incubator
At first read, these headlines may strike you as disconnected or relevant only to certain departments within your airline.
Individual business units within your airline may choose to tackle each challenge in their own way, making the best decisions they can with the information they have.
But the reality is that each of these emerging trends are interrelated and will collectively reshape airline distribution over the next several years.
Success in tomorrow’s distribution ecosystem will come from airline product offerings that start as ideas, ideas born in business units and cross-pollinated from revenue management and pricing, and then deployed through e-commerce and revenue accounting, that are designed and refined with the same thing in mind—the passenger.
How do we get there?
How do you help evolve your airline to prepare it for the shifting demands of the travel consumer?
I believe it begins by building bridges—across organizational silos within your business but also across the broader ecosystem. The most successful carriers will connect the ideas across functions to deliver the dynamic product offerings of the future.
And, the most innovative among us will collaborate beyond the enterprise; they will embrace co-innovation, working hand-in-hand with other carriers, technology partners, and industry organizations to shape the future.
For over 50 years ATPCO has been building bridges across the airline ecosystem. Today we do that through data and technology and by introducing standards that drive economies of scale and network economics. But we also help drive cooperation and collaboration across the ecosystem—through working groups, Bridge Labs, and uniting the industry under one roof at our annual customer conference, Elevate.
Elevate is three days of expert content, networking, and industry-wide collaboration. If you want to connect the dots across all the emerging trends, drive closer collaboration among your colleagues, or establish new relationships within our dynamic industry, then I invite you to join me at ATPCO’s annual conference, Elevate 2018.